Shocking anti-Semitic hatefest in downtown Seattle



As Hamas Rockets continued to rain down on Israeli population centers, a large anti-Israel rally took place in Seattle’s Westlake Center this Saturday, July 12. Protesters screamed anti-Israel slogans calling for the destruction of the Jewish state while waving signs and marching through the downtown sidewalks. But this was more than a rally in opposition to Israel or her defensive operations.   The signs being waved and the chants hollered  constituted a shocking public display of shameless Jew hatred right  in the heart of Seattle.

Signs comparing Jews to Nazis were commonplace (see below).


Comparing Jews to Nazis was a common theme.


This sign (below) compares Jews defending themselves to the Nazi slaughter of Jews. “It would be my greatest sadness to see Zionist Jews do to Palestinian Arabs much of what the Nazis did to Jews“.


More comparing Jews to Nazis in downtown Seattle.

Comparing Israel's defense against a rain of rockets to the systematic gassing and murder of European Jewry.

Comparing Israel’s defense against a rain of rockets to the systematic gassing and murder of European Jewry.

The truth was in short supply.  Many posters asserted that Israel had halted food and medicine to Gaza during the current Hamas provoked conflagration.

While supplying one’s enemy in a time of war seems to The Mike Report to border on insanity,  according to Ynet “Israel has allowed some 200 trucks to cross into the strip, including some 200,000 liters of fuel daily, in an attempt to prevent a humanitarian crisis in Gaza”. Israel continues to provide medical services to Gaza residents. “Over 20 Palestinians, including eight Gazan children were treated at Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center, as part of Israel’s longstanding cooperation with the Palestinian Authority”.

Protesters spread the libel that Israel blocked food and medicine into Gaza.

Protesters spread the libel that Israel blocked food and medicine into Gaza

Classic anti-Semitic themes of Jewish greed were on display.

Classic anti-Semitic tropes were widely displayed like this one invoking Jewish greed.

Classic anti-Semitic tropes were widely displayed like this one invoking Jewish greed.

While you may have thought that  blood libel accusations are a relic of the past, in fact the slander was alive and well in downtown Seattle this past Saturday. The below poster depicts a Jew eating a gentile child along with a cup of blood to wash it all down.

eating kids

Circled in red: Poster depicting a Jew eating a gentile child with a cup of blood on the side.

Circled in red: Poster depicting a Jew eating a gentile child with a cup of blood on the side.

Another angle on the anti-Semitic blood libel poster.

Another angle on the anti-Semitic blood libel poster.

Many signs asserted that old anti-Semitic meme of Jews purposefully killing gentile children.

The old blood libel that Jews purposefully kill children.

The old blood libel that Jews purposefully kill children.

Another common theme at Seattle’s pro-Hamas rally was the accusation that Jewish organizations support murder.  (below).

Accusing pro-Israel advocacy group AIPAC of supporting "the murder of children".

Accusing pro-Israel advocacy group AIPAC of supporting “the murder of children”.

This sign (below) accuses Israel of Genocide “Genocide is not justice” and then promotes genocide  “From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free“. The river is the Jordan, the sea is the Mediterranean and the goal is a Jew free Middle East.

This sign accuses Israel of genocide and then advocates for the extermination of the Jewish state.

This sign accuses Israel of genocide and then advocates for the extermination of the Jewish state.

This Hamas sympathizer hauling a sign advocating non violence at an anti-Semitic hatefest wins the 2014 irony award.

Hamas sympathizer advocating non-violence?

Hamas sympathizer advocating non-violence?

No violence sign at a pro Hamas rally.

No violence sign at a pro Hamas rally.

What better way to depict the morally obtuse upside down world  in which these “protesters reside” than this upside down poster.

Doesn't know right from wrong or upside down from right side up.

Doesn’t know right from wrong or upside down from right side up.

 Can you feel the love?

Can you feel the love?

The pro-Hamas rally was organized by Voices for Palestine (Seattle) – Video below.